Why Crowd-fund on DirectFund.net ?
DirectFund wants to allow the power of crowdfunding to reach people everywhere, not only where financial institutions like to opperate.
Of Population is Unbanked Or Underbanked
Available Worldwide
Wherever you are, you can create a campaign.
No Fees
No credit card payment fees, and no fees for the platform.
No Intermediaries
The donations go directly to your crypto wallet. No banks.
Featured Crowd-Funding Campaigns
A selection of interesting & promoted campaigns. To get featured check here
DirectFund Funding Campaign
We take no fees. But we need funds to be able to manage, grow and develop this website. Hence we have our own crowdfund campaign, please donate!
Decentralised Forum
Altcoinstalks is a known crypto forum, it wants to be more decentralised, and thus is raising funds to create a structure that fits perfectly the crypto community.
MoneySmart : Crypto Version
MoneySmart is a great financial game (check original game here). This campaign is to fund the launch of a 100% Crypto version. Backers get a copy or up to 80% discounts when launched.
Get Help Crowd-Funding Your Project
Help with marketing
(for ideas & projects campaigns)
Having a successful crowd-fund campaign depends mostly on how well you market it. Get help marketing your campaign by creating a marketing bounty .. read more
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